Medicine and the Time Structure of the Good Life

Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine

Conceptions of good life have an impact on a whole range of research questions in medicine, ethics, and the social and cultural sciences. A research group led by Claudia Wiesemann is systematically and interdisciplinarily addressing these often little reflected background assumptions. To this end, the group is investigating the relationships between medical concepts, technologies and practices on one hand, and practical orientations and normative ideas about the temporal structures of human life on the other. We analyze how the relationship between medicine and lifetime is represented and negotiated in scientific, and (popular) cultural narratives, and how the temporal aspects of good life are to be understood and evaluated ethically. Interdisciplinary temporal structures of good life are examined from the perspective of socially and culturally differently situated actors. In addition, the phases stages of life, which have so far been treated separately in medicine, will be envisioned diachronically and synoptically. This is realized on the basis of a methodologically innovative synthesis of philosophical-ethical, socio-empirical and approaches.


  • Wiesemann, C. (2023): Fortpflanzung, Medizin und gutes Leben. Über einen systematisch vernachlässigten Zusammenhang. In: Vita brevis, ars longa, (hrsg. v. H.-J. Ehni, G. Marckmann, R. Ranisch, H. Tümmers), Kohlhammer: Stuttgart (im Druck).
  • King, V., Lodtka, P., Marcinski-Michel, I., Schreiber, J., Wiesemann, C. (2023):Reproduktives Timing. Neue Formen und Ambivalenzen zeitlicher Optimierung von Fortpflanzung und ihre ethischen Herausforderungen. Ethik Med 35, 43–56.
  • Wiesemann, C., Schweda, M. (2023): Medizin und die Zeitstruktur guten Lebens. Ethik Med 35, 1–5.
  • Schweda, M., Wiesemann, C. (2016): Die zeitliche Dimension des menschlichen Lebens und ihre medizinethische Relevanz. Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik, 24:327-340.
  • Marcinski-Michel, I., Wiesemann, C. (2022): Fortpflanzung, Zeit und gutes Leben. Eine Analyse von Richtlinien und Stellungnahmen zur Reproduktionsmedizin. Bioethica Forum  15, 19.
  • Wiesemann, C. (2023): Robots, Babies, and What’s Time Got to Do with It.
  • Wiesemann, C. (2021): Das Gewicht der Zeit.


DirectorProf. Dr. med. Claudia Wiesemann
Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Wiesemann

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