[Translate to Englisch:] Ines Pietschmann, M.mel.
Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin
(Kopie 1)

[Translate to Englisch:]
Ines Pietschmann, M.mel.
Georg August University of Göttingen
University Medical Center Göttingen
Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Humboldtallee 36
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: +49(0)551 39 69315
Mail: ines.pietschmann(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Ines Pietschmann is a research fellow at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine at the University Medical Center Göttingen. Her research focuses on the ethics of reproductive medicine.
She is working on her dissertation on ethical issues of fertility preservation in cancer patients. She is part of the project "FEON Fertility Preservation Measures in Young Patients with Cancer - Ethical and Psychosocial Aspects of Information and Consent".
She is also an associate member of the DFG research group FOR 5022 "Medicine and the Time Structure of Good Life".
She is a member of the group "Feminist Perspectives in Bio- and Medical Ethics" of the Academy for Ethics in Medicine (AEM) and is a co-organiser of the subgroup "Reproduction(smedicine)".
Since 2019, she has been a lecturer at the Diakovere Health and Nursing School for surgical and anaesthetic assistants. She teaches medical ethics and medical law there.
- Ethics of Reproductive Medicine
- Feminist perspectives on bioethics and medical ethics
- Research ethics
- Animal research ethics
Since March 2022 Research fellow at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine at the University Medical Center Göttingen
2019-2022 Research fellow at the Institute of Ethics, History and Philosophy of Medicine at the Hannover Medical School
Since 2019 Lecturer at the Diakovere Health and Nursing School for surgical and anaesthesia assistants
Research Projects
Since March 2022 FEON: Fertility-preserving measures in young patients with cancer - ethical and psychosocial aspects of information and consent
2020-2021 Open Educational Resource (OER): Alternatives to animal experimentation: principles, examples and ethical consideration
2019-2022 R2N-E1: Structure of ethically relevant value judgements in decisions for or against animal experimentation alternatives
2017 Master of Medical Ethics and Law at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
2015 Bachelor of Arts at the University of Hanover in Religious Studies / History
2012 Studiesat the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Lampeter
2010-2011 Studies at the University of Bremen in Religious Studies / History
Pietschmann, I., Wiesemann, C.: Ethical aspects of fertility-preserving treatment in young people with cancer. Onkologie (2023).
Pietschmann I, Mertz M (2020) Medical humanism and complementary, alternative and integrative medicine. Archives de Philosophie 83(4): 83-102. https://doi.org/10.3917/aphi.834.0083.
Hermann L, Hoppe N, Kahrass H, Lohse S, Mertz M, Pietschmann I (2019) How ethics, law and philosophy of science can help make progress in the development and use of alternative methods. Mitteilungen. ALTEX 36(4): 681.