Karina Korecky, M.A.
Department for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine

Karina Korecky, M.A.
University Medical Center Götingen
Department for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Humboldtallee 36
37073 Göttingen
Email: karina.korecky(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Website: https://karinakorecky.academia.edu/
After completing her studies in sociology and political science at the Universities of Vienna and Hamburg (M.A. University of Vienna), Karina Korecky worked as assistant project coordinator in a research project in the field of labor psychology. She taught courses in history of sociology (Bremen) and political theory (Hamburg). In the context of a research project on the post-war history of psychiatry in the Rhineland, she discovered an enduring interest in sociology and history of psychiatry. Korecky is currently finishing a dissertation (Institute for Sociology, University of Freiburg) based on a qualitative study of subject theory and the experience of psychiatry. Since October 2022, she works at the Department for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Goettingen Medical Centre, in a German-Israeli research project on the legacies of Nazi medicine and the Holocaust on the institutionalization of bioethics, with a specific focus on mental health ethics.
Professional Background
- Since 2022: Research associate, Department for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Goettingen Medical Centre. Research project: “The legacy of Nazi medicine in contemporary mental health ethics: Comparing three decades of debates in Germany and Israel 1990-2020” (PIs: Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz, Prof. Dr. Nadav Davidovitch, Dr. Rakefet Zalashik)
- Summer semester 2022: Research associate, lecturer, and coordinator of the M.A. program at the Institute for Sociology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
- 2017-2020: Research associate, Institute for Sociology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, in the German Research Foundation (DFG) project “Psychiatry and subjectivity in transition: Experiences from patients in German psychiatric institutions from the 1960s to today” (PIs: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bröckling, Dr. Andrea zur Nieden)
- 2016-2020: Research internship with Prof. Dr. Vivian Liska (Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Antwerp / Distinguished Visiting Professor for German literature, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
- 2016-2017: Research assistant for Prof. Dr. Michael Fagenblat, (Department for Literature, Language and the Arts, Open University, Israel)
- 2013-2014: Research associate, Department of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, University Hospital Duesseldorf, research project “Review and documentation of the history of persons with disabilities and psychiatric illnesses in institutions of the Landschaftsverband Rhineland since 1945” (PI: Dr. Thorsten Noack)
- 2013-2014: Lecturer, Institute for Sociology, University of Bremen
- 2011-2013: Lecturer, Institute for Political Science, University of Hamburg
- 2006-2009: Project assistant, AuG/Perspective e.V. (Leuphana University of Lueneburg) for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded research project “Qualification through integration of experience-based resources into organizations of professional care”
- M.A. Sociology and Political Science, University of Vienna, University of Hamburg
Research Areas
- History of bioethics and mental health ethics Sociology of medicine,
- sociology of psychiatry Political theories of the Enlightenment Subject theory,
- subjectivation Feminist theory
Summer semester 2022
Institute for Sociology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Seminar “Biopolitics: History and problems of the concept”
Seminar “Psychiatry and gender”
Winter semester 2018/19
Institute for Sociology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Seminar “Talking Psychiatry: Theory and practice of narrative interviews with former patients” (together with Christoph Panzer)
Summer semester 2014
Institute for Sociology, University of Bremen
Tutorial for the lecture “Introduction to the history of sociology”
Summer semester 2013
Institute for Sociology, University of Bremen
Tutorial for the lecture “Introduction to the history of sociology”
Winter semester 2012/13
Institute for Political Science, University of Hamburg
Seminar “Political theories of the Enlightenment”
Winter semester 2011/12
Institute for Political Science, University of Hamburg
Reading course “Rousseau’s social contract and its interpretations”
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