DFG Research Training Group: "Dynamics of Space and Gender"
University of Göttingen & University of Kassel

Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: 2010-2015
Carried out by: Dr. Solveig Lena Hansen
The interdisciplinary research training group pursues the goal of investigating the reciprocal relationships between the constitution of space and gender in current and historical societies within and outside Europe: doing space while doing gender. The research training group will investigate the explicit as well as implicit gender-specific dimensions in the constitution of spaces as well as in the experiences with spaces.
The starting point is the finding that much recent research on space takes less account of the category of gender the more global the level of consideration. The subtitle of the research training group refers to the constructional character of the concept of space and gender (discover, invent), emphasizes the imaginary inherent in these concepts in literature as well as in the social world (invent, tell), and finally clarifies the aspect of power relations and domination (discover, conquer).
From sociological, ethnological, literary, and historical perspectives, four focal points in the thematic field of space and gender will be brought into focus: Dimensions of the Theoretical as a common foundation as well as the three fields of investigation Dimensions of Embodiment, Dimensions of Location, and Dimensions of Interweaving.
The qualification concept places particular emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation in the sense of a permanent learning process. The interconnections of the dimensions of space and gender are discussed in regular colloquia and workshops as well as in a program for visiting scholars. In addition, an accompanying advanced training program in key qualifications is designed to prepare the doctoral students for different career paths after the doctorate. Success is ensured by close supervision contracts and transparent work plans.