INTERNATIONAL AUTUMN SCHOOL - “Klausurwochen” Deliberation and Participation in Health Care

Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany)

Date: 21. Nov - 02. Dec 2022 | half-day | 08:00 – 12:00 CET

Place: Online

Deadline for application: 02. September 2022

The Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (University Medical Center Göttingen) in Germany is inviting abstracts for an International Autumn School, aimed at junior researchers (PhD-students, -candidates, and post-docs), on the theme of “Deliberation and Participation in Health Care”, to be held online between 21. November and 02. December 2022. The autumn school will be held in English language and attendance is free of charge. It is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Driven by the democratic ideal that those affected by collective decisions should actively participate in making those decisions, participatory approaches such as citizen juries and consensus conferences have seen a steady rise in recent decades, not only in the political realm but also in knowledge creation. Participatory approaches have become increasingly important in health research and health policy-making, where they have been used to involve citizens, health professionals, and patients in the process of tackling controversial ethical questions. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, remote communication technologies experienced wide-spread adoption and created new possibilities to engage stakeholders in research. This autumn school is directed at junior researchers interested in expanding their knowledge about the theory and especially the practice of engaging stakeholders in participatory and deliberative research, with a special focus on online methodology. 

We are happy to announce the autumn school will feature internationally renowned keynote speakers from Germany, the UK and Australia: Dr. Ellen Stewart (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), Dr. Corinna Klingler (University of Potsdam), Dr. Chris Degeling (University of Wollongong), Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald (Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis), Dr. Uwe Remer (University of Stuttgart), Dr. Jasper Kenter (University of York), Dr. Nils Heyen (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research) and Dr. Sergiu Ghergina (University of Glasgow).

Additionally, to receiving peer feedback on a presentation of their own research, a main aim of the autumn school is to facilitate international cooperation and act as an incubator for future research projects. Participants will jointly work on project ideas and receive feedback and guidance from the expert speakers. As part of the autumn school there will also be a workshop on how to develop and hone moderation skills for deliberative (online) approaches.

After the autumn school, we invite all participants to prepare their contributions for publication in an English language collected volume with an internationally renowned publisher.

How to apply

To apply please send an abstract (max. 400 words) to rubenandreas.sakowsky(at) by September 2nd 2022. This abstract should include the title of your contribution, your full name, and academic affiliation. Submitted proposals will receive notification of acceptance or rejection by 15 September 2022

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